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Board of Director and Council Meeting Agendas/Minutes

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Board of Directors

     Governance of the Missouri National Guard Association is vested in its Board of Directors.  Members of the Board are elected by the Association's membership at the Annual Conference of the Association held each April.

     The Board of Directors consists of the President, President Elect, Vice President: Army, Vice President: Air, Immediate Past President, Command Representatives (one Enlisted Representative and one Officer Representative from each of the Major Commands of the Missouri National Guard), Secretary, Treasurer, Retired Representative, Auxiliary President, Enlisted Committee Chairperson, Company Grade Officer Representatives, Enlisted Committee Chairperson Elect, Chaplain, and the Association's Executive Director.  The Board of Directors meets monthly.

     A subset of the Board of Directors is the Executive Council of the Association.  The Executive Council functions as an executive committee of the Association's Board of Directors.  There are nine persons who serve on the Executive Council: the President, the President Elect, Vice President: Army, Vice President: Air, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Enlisted Committee Chairperson, and the Association's Executive Director (a non-voting member of the Executive Council).  The Association's Insurance Administrator, while not a part of the Board of Directors, takes part in meetings of the Executive Council.  Like the Board of Directors, the Executive Council meets monthly.

     Members of the Board of Directors of the Association are:

PresidentCottrell, AmyEC/BoD
Immediate Past PresidentPowers, ChrisEC/BoD
President ElectSnyder, RichEC/BoD
Vice President: AirRoestel, StaceyEC/BoD
Vice President: ArmyJennings, DerrickEC/BoD
Enlisted ChairpersonJohnson, William (Bill)EC/BoD
SecretaryBranson, Richard (Rick)EC/BoD
TreasurerWilson, ChrisEC/BoD
Executive DirectorBlaylock, WillEC/BoD (non-voting)
AuxiliaryMarin, EricaSpecial
ChaplainPhil GloyerSpecial
Company Grade: AirWilliams, CodieSpecial
Company Grade/Warrant Officer: ArmyHampton, ParkerSpecial
Retired Life MemberJohnson, WillSpecial
Vice Enlisted ChairpersonRichards, BobbySpecial
131st BW: EnlistedRoberts, NathanBoard of Directors
131st BW: OfficerMarin Jr., ConradBoard of Directors
139th AW: EnlistedFarley, TiaBoard of Directors
139th AW: OfficerCompton, CharlesBoard of Directors
35th CAB: EnlistedMarlin, ChrisBoard of Directors
35th CAB: OfficerLeech, KennyBoard of Directors
35th En Bde: EnlistedCarlin, MitchelBoard of Directors
35th En Bde: OfficerRucker, CalvinBoard of Directors
35th ID: EnlistedSchwartze, DennisBoard of Directors
35th ID: OfficerRichardson, JamesBoard of Directors
35th MP Bde: EnlistedKatzfey, TrishaBoard of Directors
35th MP Bde: OfficerBrake, LoganBoard of Directors
70th TC: EnlistedLawzano, JustinBoard of Directors
70th TC: OfficerSmith, MichelleBoard of Directors
110th MEB: EnlistedNewell, KyleBoard of Directors
110th MEB: OfficerKirk, BrettBoard of Directors
140th RTI: EnlistedKorte, KristopherBoard of Directors
140th RTI: OfficerGreenwalt, BryanBoard of Directors
1107th TASMG: EnlistedSpeichinger-Wood, ShellieBoard of Directors
1107th TASMG: OfficerLuke, ShaneBoard of Directors
JFHQ: EnlistedHoselton, RandyBoard of Directors
JFHQ: OfficerWhite, TJBoard of Directors
Non-Board Member Committee ChairJoyner, April Klumb, JasonScholarships Chair
Non-Board Member Committee ChairHoselton, RandyNominations Chair
Non-Board Member Committee ChairDickman, WesResolutions Chair